Dyslexia: 504 plan or IEP? 504 plan assistive technology dyslexia iep Oct 03, 2024

There are two different ways you can get a legally-binding educational plan for your dyslexic child. One is called a 504 plan and the other is an IEP - an Individualized Education Plan. How do you...

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Dyslexia and Learning a Foreign Language dyslexia iep Sep 20, 2024

 My child has struggled to learn to read and write in English.  Are they really going to make her take a foreign language?!?

This is a very valid concern. 

Most public schools in the...

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The Link between Language Development and Dyslexia dyslexia language development Sep 05, 2024

It makes sense that spoken language and written language are linked together in our brains.  Therefore it’s probably not surprising to you that there can be links between dyslexia and...

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Your Roadmap to Teacher Communication this School Year dyslexia iep special education Aug 22, 2024

Communication between parents and teachers is a key component of a good education, but if your child has dyslexia then it’s absolutely essential. 

Standard operating procedure for most...

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Finding Your Seat at the Meeting Table dyslexia iep special education Aug 09, 2024
 One of the common reasons parents aren’t active in advocating for their child with dyslexia is they don’t understand that they have an important role on the educational...
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Summer Learning Ideas dyslexia learning ideas for home Jul 26, 2024

The #1 task in parenting dyslexia is to provide emotional support and preserve your child's spirit.

The second most important task is educational and reading support. Yes your child...

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Tips for Hiring a Tutor dyslexia structured literacy tutors Jul 11, 2024

So you’ve decided that your dyslexic child needs a tutor, but where do you start? 


STEP 1.  Ask yourself is “why does my child need a tutor?  What are our...

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The Summer Slide dyslexia learning disability reading disability Jun 27, 2024

Have you heard of the summer slide?

Nope. It has nothing to do with playgrounds or water parks. 

Summer slide refers to the regression or loss of knowledge or skills that occurs between the...

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What do I do when my dyslexic teen doesn't want help? advocacy dyslexia iep Jun 13, 2024

"I'm fine"

"Leave me alone"

"You don't understand"

We've all said and heard these classic teen lines. 

By the time you reach the teen years with your dyslexic child, you fully understand the...

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What’s holding you back from being your child’s dyslexia advocate? dyslexia iep specific learning disability May 30, 2024

 When they learn their child has dyslexia or another learning disability, some parents leap into action. They ask questions, they schedule meetings with administrators, they hire outside help....

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Reading Solutions for Dyslexia Using Audio WITH Text assistive technology dyslexia May 21, 2024

 Dyslexic kids often need different ways to read as they develop their reading skills.  Even teens and adults with dyslexia find that they need alternatives to eye reading to get...

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Reading Together with Your Dyslexic Child assistive technology dyslexia learning ideas for home Apr 30, 2024


There is no doubt that reading with your child is one of the most important ways you can help develop their reading skills, whether your child has dyslexia or not. 

Many times, when a...

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